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Have your say on plans to change private renting in Northern Ireland  

Screengrab of Department for Communities call for evidence. Image of Stormont. Text "call for evidence" superimposed on picture

The Committee for Communities wants views on planned changes to private renting in Northern Ireland and has issued a call for evidence. You can respond as an individual or an organisation. You must respond by 29 October 2021. There are 42 questions, but you do not have to respond to all of these. 

Government plans to change private renting in Northern Ireland  

The Northern Ireland Assembly is currently considering a private tenancies bill. This bill draws on the 2017 proposals for change in the private rented sector.  

The bill does not address all 16 of the 2017 proposals for change. The Department for Communities has suggested that this bill is the first in a series of legislation aimed at improving the private rented sector.  

Ensure your clients' views are reflected 

Housing Rights’ policy team is busy building our response to the call for evidence. We would like to see others working in housing do the same.   

Public consultations ensure transparency and accountability in the legislative process. They provide a mechanism to air concerns and put forward evidence that supports, or counters, particular proposals. This public consultation exercise is an opportunity to ensure that the committee  

  • understands the experiences of the people you help   
  • reflects these experiences in their consideration of this important piece of legislation.   
  • considers the impacts on the wider community of reforms to the private rented sector  

Your contribution could have a vital impact on shaping policy and improving the lives of those people you work with.   

Find out more about changes to private renting in Northern Ireland 

We are holding our annual private rented sector conference in November. The conference will include a detailed look at plans to reform the private rented sector in Northern Ireland.  

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Private Tenancies, Policy

This article was written on 15 October 2021. It should not be relied on as a statement of the current law or policy position. For help with housing issues please contact our helpline on 028 9024 5640 or use our online chat service at www.housingadviceNI.org.