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September 2015

A Supreme Court case, Haile v London Borough of Waltham [2015] UKSC 34, decided that Housing Officers should not base decisions on intentionality on the applicant’s circumstances at the time they became homeless.

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Homelessness, Legal

The Department for Social Development recently produced an update on their progress on Facing the Future: The Housing Strategy for Northern Ireland. The update shows that many of the actions are on track for delivery by 2017 by August 2015.

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Social Tenancies, Private Tenants Forum, NI Assembly

John Armstrong is the Managing Director of the Construction Employers Federation (CEF). CEF represents the construction industry in Northern Ireland and has over 1,200 member companies.

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Social Tenancies, Opinion

Our Adviser recently helped a worried mechanic who was struggling with rates payments and facing legal action.

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Practical tips, Affordability, Adviser

We’ve just published a new video guide for private landlords.  You can watch the video on our YouTube page or on our housingadviceNI website, which is funded by the NI Housing Executive.

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Housing Rights recently responded to a call for evidence from the Social Development Committee in relation to the Housing (Amendment) Bill. The proposals in the Bill are significantly changed from what was expected following the original Housing (Antisocial Behaviour) Bill. We welcome that the Bill has omitted some of the more contentious proposals such as, for example, the introduction of a new Short Secure Tenancy, which was essentially a downgraded temporary tenancy for 6 months.

Housing Rights offers a free independent mortgage debt advice service to people in Northern Ireland who are worried about losing their home.

We can give you free mortgage debt advice if you are;

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Practical tips

Back in 2012 the Department for Social Development undertook a fundamental review of the regulation of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs), which Housing Rights responded to at the time.

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Fitness, Regulation, Private Tenancies, Landlord, NI Assembly

The Housing Executive and the regional Health and Social Care Trusts have agreed on good practice guidance for assisting homeless young people.  The guidance, signed off earlier this year, is an attempt to ensure that young people in crisis receive the assistance they need as quickly as possible.  Agencies who provide advice to young people should ensure that they know which agency is responsible for assisting young people in crisis.  

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Practical tips, Homelessness

The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants has released a report on its assessment of the new requirement for landlords to establish whether tenants have a “right to rent” in the UK before granting a tenancy. The report is highly critical of the pilot scheme; JCVI’s evaluation uncovered a number of worrying direct and indirect impacts of these checks on both tenants and landlords.

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Minority Groups, Research, Private Tenancies, Landlord

Greater community cohesion is something that most people would like to see. Despite great efforts being made towards developing a peaceful society, it is disappointing that so many people are still living in divided communities. Housing Rights' advisers continue to deal with clients who are victims of intimidation and harassment or who are faced with a lack of shared social housing options. Addressing these housing issues is crucial to the development of greater community cohesion.

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Social Tenancies, Policy

There are a number of schemes available to help people who are living with fuel poverty.  It’s important to apply quickly if you are interested in these schemes as the funding can run out quite quickly if there are large demands on the grants.

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Private Tenancies, Practical tips, Affordability