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028 9024 5640: Housing & Debt Helpline for Northern Ireland

September 2019

Picture of homeless person in park

In a recently published report, CIH suggests that housing allocation policies in England need to be revisited to ensure that those most in need of housing are not excluded by process driven allocations policies. In certain cases, activity undertaken by housing providers to ensure that teanncies are sustainable actually undermines efforts to house those who need homes the most.

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Social Tenancies, Affordability

A new report by Ian Mulheirn for CaCHE has caused considerable debate amongst housing policy analysts and economists. Mulheirn’s argument essentially focuses on challenging the assumption that undersupply is the primary cause of the current housing crisis.

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The Work and Pensions and Northern Ireland Affairs Committees have published their joint report following the Inquiry into Welfare policy in Northern Ireland.

Welfare Reform Mitigations

Housing Rights welcomes the joint committee’s recognition that:

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Benefits, Policy

The “digital by default” nature of Universal Credit is supposed to make it easier for people to notify the Department of changes in circumstances which will affect their claims. Most people will find it pretty easy to notify Universal Credit of a rent increase. It’s simply a matter of logging in and making an adjustment to the housing costs section of their account. However, it’s not such a simple process for people in custody who do not have access to the internet.

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Benefits, Practical tips, Adviser

A study commissioned by Crisis has found that realigning Local Housing Allowance rates with market rents would generate significant benefits to the economy through reduced spend on homelessness services and social gains as a result of more positive health and well-being outcomes amongst claimants.

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Research, Affordability