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Practical tips

A guarantor is someone who has agreed to pay rent if the tenant falls into arrears. They are also usually responsible for any damage to the property caused by the tenant.

In the next few weeks students will begin signing up to tenancies in the private rented sector for the next academic year. Most will have to provide a guarantor. It’s important to understand what that involves before signing any agreement. 

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Private Tenancies, Practical tips

The next Housing Advice Practitioners’ Forum will take place online on Wednesday, March 30. The webinar starts at 2:00 pm and will include a presentation from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

Keeping our members updated on the latest information on housing legislation, policy and practice is an important aspect of Housing Rights' work.

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Benefits, Legislation, Private Tenancies, Practical tips, Policy, Adviser

A receiver is a person or company appointed by a mortgage company to manage their financial interest in a property.

A lender can appoint a receiver to manage a rental tenancy if

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Private Tenancies, Practical tips

We've had lots of calls from private tenants whose landlords are facing court action due to mortgage arrears. Understandably, these tenants are very worried about this.

A tenant’s rights in this situation depend on

  • the terms of the landlord’s mortgage
  • the lender’s knowledge of the tenancy
  • whether there is a current fixed-term tenancy in place

Tenants can be in a vulnerable position if their landlord  

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Private Tenancies, Practical tips

Normal service is resuming at the courts as we ease out of Covid-19 restrictions. More and more people are contacting us for help with mortgage and rent arrears. It's important that you have the tools to help clients facing eviction or repossession.

Our next Housing Advice Practitioners' Forum on 25 November will focus on

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Practical tips
showing over 500% increase in renters seeking advice because property is for sale

Our advisers have noted an increase in the number of people contacting us for help because their home is being sold by their private landlord. 

We’ve already received as many calls about this issue in the first 9 days of December than we had during the whole of March, April and May of this year.It’s important that tenants know what their rights are if their landlord decides to sell their home, and know how to get advice and help if they do need to move. 

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Coronavirus, Private Tenancies, Practical tips

When Universal Credit was introduced, our advisers worried that well-established principles covering complex areas of housing benefit law would not be ported across to the new regime. One particular area of concern was the provisions which allow a claim for assistance with housing costs to be disallowed where the decision maker suspects that the claim has been contrived in order to take advantage of the benefits system.

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Benefits, Private Tenancies, Practical tips, Adviser

Housing Rights is piloting a new mediation service to help resolve disputes between private tenants and their registered landlords.  The service is funded by the Department for Communities and will provide an alternative way to resolve disputes in the sector.

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Private Tenancies, Practical tips

Housing Rights has updated its Professional Resource on the rights of migrant communities living in Northern Ireland to access housing, homelessness assistance and help with housing costs. It has been fully updated to include information on the EU Settlement Scheme and on how the rights of EEA nationals will change once the UK leaves the European Union. 

Housing Rights of migrants after Brexit

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Brexit, Minority Groups, Practical tips
Housing Rights’ annual Private Rented Sector Conference was held on Wednesday 20th November in the Skainos Centre. The PRS 2019 conference, which was sponsored by TDS NI, focused on raising standards in the private rented sector and the day was grouped into three sections:
  • Emerging Issues in the Sector
  • Current Challenges for Landlords & Tenants
  • Future Proofing the PRS

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Benefits, Brexit, Legislation, Outside NI, Regulation, Research, Social Tenancies, Private Tenants Forum, Private Tenancies, Practical tips, Policy


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