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Minority Groups

We have used our client experience in this area to submit evidence to the inquiry. Our evidence shows the barriers people face:

  • accessing housing advice
  • accessing housing

Barriers to accessing housing advice

In 2017 & 2018 we ran a peer housing advice project for ethnic minority communities. We trained, supported and developed peer volunteers. The aim was for the volunteers to deliver housing advice within their own communities.

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Minority Groups, Policy

Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Inquiry into the experiences of ethnic minority and migrant people in NI

We have used our client experience to submit evidence to the inquiry into the experiences of ethnic minority and migrant people here in Northern Ireland, and our evidence demonstrates the barriers faced by people. 

Read out submission.

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Legislation, Minority Groups, Policy

A number of recent reports shine a stark light on the sub-standard conditions members of the Traveller community often live in. 

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Coronavirus, Minority Groups, Outside NI

The Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) is undertaking a 12-week period external consultation on their draft Irish Traveller Accommodation Strategy 2020-2025.

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Minority Groups, Research, Social Tenancies, Private Tenancies, Equality

In 2019, the Housing Executive carried out a survey to help better understand the accommodation needs of the Irish Traveller community in Northern Ireland. The Irish Traveller Accommodation Survey was published in May 2020 and surveyed 540 households, totalling 1,628 individuals.

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Minority Groups, Research

Our Housing Champions project is a vital element of our work with vulnerable communities. Through this project, we have established links with advisers in Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities who help us to advise clients within their communities and signpost people who may not otherwise contact Housing Rights to us for advice and assistance with homelessness and housing issues.

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Minority Groups

Housing Rights has updated its Professional Resource on the rights of migrant communities living in Northern Ireland to access housing, homelessness assistance and help with housing costs. It has been fully updated to include information on the EU Settlement Scheme and on how the rights of EEA nationals will change once the UK leaves the European Union. 

Housing Rights of migrants after Brexit

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Brexit, Minority Groups, Practical tips
Picture of Housing Champions at CIH Awards

At Housing Rights, we are particularly proud of our Housing Champions, a group of volunteers from minority communities in Northern Ireland who help people within those communities by providing housing advice and interpreting services. The Housing Champions project was recently Highly Commended in the Chartered Institute of Housing NI Housing Awards.

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Benefits, Minority Groups, Practical tips, Adviser
Diana housing champion giving advice

In 2017, Housing Rights sought out to enhance the housing advice service provided to black and ethnic minority (BME) communities in Northern Ireland through a peer project with the support of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.  The Housing Champions project long-term goals are to equip BME communities with the information they need to make informed and appropriate housing decisions, and know how to access better quality housing.

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Minority Groups

Homelessness is experienced differently by young people than by adults: the causes and conditions are different, so the responses and solutions must also be different.

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Minority Groups, Research, Homelessness, Affordability


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