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When everyone has a home

028 9024 5640: Housing & Debt Helpline for Northern Ireland

Volunteer with Housing Rights

From helping us to deliver our advice services, to raising some money for Housing Rights, volunteers play a vital role in helping Housing Rights achieve our vision - when everyone has a home. 

As our organisation adjusts to a temporary new style of working due to the impact of COVID-19, we are unfortunately unable to recruit volunteers at this time.  We are still happy to receive your expression of interest for volunteering below. 

If you would like to volunteer for COVID-19 community outreach, please visit Volunteer Now.

Meet some of our volunteers

Apply to volunteer with Housing Rights

If you are interested in volunteering with Housing Rights, fill out your details below and we'll be intouch for an informal chat to see how we can best give you the experience you are looking for. If the volunteering post you want requires it, we'll get some more information from you around your skills and qualifications via an application form and informal interview. We may also have to have to seek references and get checks done. Once you are in a role we will set you up with an induction and training programme and our volunteer co-ordinator will be with you every step of the way! 

How we involve volunteers across Housing Rights

At Housing Rights we recognise the value of involving volunteers across the organisation. Volunteers help us to reach more people experiencing homelessness or bad housing, and provide a huge variety of skills, knowledge and experiences for us to learn and benefit from. We especially appreciate when we can 

  • involve volunteers who reflect the communities in which we work to will help us reach even more people in need. 
  • involve volunteers who help support us in carrying out our existing day to day work, allowing us reach more people in our front line services, and bringing new ideas and connections into the organisation.  

We believe that our clients and customers can benefit from greater volunteer involvement in our work, as we recognise the wealth of skills and experience that our volunteers have as well as the unique contribution that they offer. 

Submit your details below