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May 2015

Yesterday's Queen's speech detailed the new Conservative majority government's proposed legislative programme for parliament.  The speech referred to a number of significant changes which will impact on housing and welfare law, policy and practice.

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Benefits, Minority Groups, Welfare Reform, Policy, Landlord

Anti social behaviour is a complex issue and can be difficult to address. Anyone guilty of anti social behaviour can be at risk of losing their tenancy.

Safeguarding tenants from nuisance behaviour is an important responsibility of all social landlords, but it can be difficult for landlords to balance the rights of tenants who are complaining about antisocial neighbours with the landlord’s duties towards vulnerable tenants who may require support. 

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Repossession, Social Tenancies, Adviser

The Northern Ireland housing market has been through a turbulent few years, with many households still experiencing negative equity, arrears and repossessions.

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Practical tips, Policy

Eva Koerner, project manager at MACS, describes how their organisation has benefited from sending their employees on Housing Rights Housing Advice Training Programme. The Housing Advice Training Programme is a 4 day course that provides participants with a housing advice practitioner qualification on completion. 

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Practical tips

In a recent article, we explained how consumer protection law impacts on the practices of letting agents and landlords when advertising a property to let and creating a new tenancy.  The provisions of consumer protection law also extend to business practices when managing a property or organising for renewal or termination of a tenancy.

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Regulation, Private Tenancies, Landlord
A round up of housing related questions to Ministers during April 2015. 

Ex-prisoners: Accommodation costs

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NI Assembly