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028 9024 5640: Housing & Debt Helpline for Northern Ireland

Newry and Downpatrick next in Universal Credit roll out

Newry and Downpatrick are the next areas in Northern Ireland to have Universal Credit introduced on the 16 May 2018.

This new benefit will replace Housing Benefit, Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credit, Income Support, Income based Job Seekers Allowance and income related Employment and Support Allowance.  Anyone of working age who gets these benefits will be affected.

Residents in Newry and Downpatrick claiming any of the above benefits for the first time will have to make a new online application for Universal Credit. They could then face a wait of 5 to 6 weeks before getting their first payment..

Universal Credit is being introduced for new claims on a phased geographical basis across Northern Ireland from September 2017. The completion date was recently extended to December 2018.

Training on Housing and Universal Credit

Housing Rights have a suite of Universal Credit courses coming up over the next few months to help you keep abreast of the changes and impact that Universal Credit will have on claimants in Northern Ireland.

Universal Credit in the Social Rented Sector (1.5hrs)
Belfast – 17 May 2018

Universal Credit & Housing Masterclass (1.5hrs)

Derry/Londonderry - 5 June 2018
Belfast – 12 June 2018

Universal Credit and Housing: Elements and Impact (1 day)
Belfast - 19 June 2018 

Get advice

Anyone who is worried about how Universal Credit might affect their housing situation should get advice.  Call Housing Rights helpline on 028 90 245640 and pick option 3 to chat to an adviser.

Tagged In

Benefits, Welfare Reform

This article was written on 16 May 2018. It should not be relied on as a statement of the current law or policy position. For help with housing issues please contact our helpline on 028 9024 5640 or use our online chat service at www.housingadviceNI.org.