HOLD THE DATE! Thursday 12th December 2013
Achieving Excellence through Tenant Involvement
Effective tenant involvement is the most important action a landlord can take. By involving tenants and listening to what they have to say, landlords can make better business decisions, create excellent services, save money, find lasting solutions to problems and encourage customer loyalty and satisfaction.
In Northern Ireland, the strategic and legal context within which housing providers are operating is changing. It is anticipated that more formal requirements will be placed on social housing providers to involve their tenants. Whilst the value of tenant involvement is recognised by NI social housing providers, there is scope for improvement.
Housing Rights and Supporting Communities NI have come together to offer an exclusive one day conference which will fully explore the topic of tenant involvement. With a host of expert speakers from Scotland, England and Northern Ireland, the event will interest social housing providers; tenants; residents groups; advice agencies; consumer groups and community workers.
We are expecting high demand for this event so we recommend you to register your interest NOW frances@housingrights.org.uk.