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New housing supply forum has first meeting

A new housing supply forum chaired by John Armstrong, Managing Director of the Construction Employers’ Federation, has had its first meeting. The Forum includes representatives from the private, public and charitable sectors and will play a key role in helping find solutions to increase the level of house building in Northern Ireland.

Opening the first meeting of the new Housing Supply Forum, Minister McCausland said:  The Forum will play a key role in identifying ways of improving housing supply, especially in the private sector. Forum members have a vast breadth of knowledge and are highly respected across a wide range of sectors and I am grateful for their time. I am confident that they will recommend viable solutions that can make a real difference

Further information is available at http://bit.ly/1btoubv

This article was written on 5 February 2014. It should not be relied on as a statement of the current law or policy position. For help with housing issues please contact our helpline on 028 9024 5640 or use our online chat service at www.housingadviceNI.org.