Latest housing stats published
The Department for Social Development has published the Northern Ireland Housing Statistics for 2013/14. These can be downloaded from the DSD website.
Housing stock and supply
There were approximately 766,900 dwellings in Northern Ireland at 31 March 2014. Of these:
- 67% is occupied by owners or mortgagees
- 17% is occupied by private tenants
- 12% is owned by the Housing Executive and
- 4% is owned by housing associations.
The statistics record 28,200 vacant dwellings, a decrease of 47% from 2009/10.
1,299 new social housing units were created during the year. This figure is 6% lower than in 2012/13. Of these units, 5% were hostel or temporary units. The remaining 95% represents self-contained accommodation.
Average Rents
Average rents are lower in Northern Ireland than in other parts of the UK, but NIHE rents remain much lower than rents in the private sector and housing association rents. The average weekly rents for each type of accommodation are
- £60.88 for NIHE accommodation
- £90.67 for housing association accommodation
- £95.00 for privately rented accommodation.
Private tenants had the highest housing costs, with over 36% paying more than £100 a week towards rent. The Private Rented Sector has the highest proportion of low income households.
Demand for social housing
At 31 March 2014 there were 39,967 households registered on the waiting list. At least 21000 of these are deemed to be in housing stress, because they have at least 30 points. The areas with the highest number of applicants are
- Belfast
- Derry/Londodnerry
- Lisburn
- Newry and Mourne.
9,649 households were accepted as homeless during this period and given FDA status. 1,673 FDA households were removed from the waiting list as the Housing Executive had discharged its duty to them.
11,793 allocations of social housing were made; 2,984 to transfer applicants who already have a Housing Executive or housing association tenancy and 8,809 to other applicants on the waiting list.