Increase in households presenting as homeless to the Housing Executive
30 July 2015
The latest Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin shows that there has been an increase of 16% (687) in the number of households presenting as homeless to the Housing Executive, compared to the previous quarter.
The Bulletin, which covers the period of January to March 2015, also shows a 17% increase in the number of homeless applicants being awarded the full duty homelessness status by the Housing Executive.
The data from the NI Housing Bulletin shows:
- 5,040 households presented as homeless to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive during January tp March 2015. This is an increase of 687 (16%) from the previous quarter.
- Family dispute or sharing breakdown was cited as the most common cause (1,015)
- 2848 households were accepted by the NIHE as full duty applicants for the quarter. This was an increase of 17% on the previous quarter.
- 30% of full duty applicants cited their accommodation was not reasonable.
- House prices rose 1% on the previous quarter.
The Bulletin also contains information on the number of new dwellings started and completed and the Residential Property Price Index. You can read the full report on the Department for Social Development's website.
This article was written on 30 July 2015. It should not be relied on as a statement of the current law or policy position. For help with housing issues please contact our helpline on 028 9024 5640 or use our online chat service at