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Consultation Response

Housing Rights & Law Centre NI joint response to consultation on rate rebate scheme

Housing Rights and the Law Centre welcome the opportunity to respond to this consultation .  We have found that issues about rates, and help with rates, are becoming more of a priority for our clients; especially in debt cases. Non-payment of rates can lead to serious consequences such as bankruptcy, threat of homelessness and imprisonment. We also encounter many cases where the liability for rates between the landlord and tenant is unclear.  In general, we support the Department proposal to introduce a new rate rebate scheme in line with UC.  However, we do have a number of concerns with regards to backdating, appealing decisions and provision for hardship cases.

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Benefits, Policy

Housing Rights Response to Scope of Legal Aid

Housing Rights believes that access to justice is paramount in any democracy.  The consultation paper sets out the cost of some of the areas which are proposed to be removed from Legal Aid and Advice (Green Form). Those areas which cover housing related issues, which HRS would be concerned with, amount to a small percentage of the overall Green Form expenditure. Despite it being a small proportion of the overall expenditure, removing such funding could have a devastating effect on the lives of people who potentially need this assistance. Therefore, we strongly feel that the funding of housing related cases should be protected.

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Policy, Equality, Legal

Response to A Strategy for the Delivery of Generalist Advice Services in Northern

Housing Rights Service has recently responded to a DSD consultation on  ‘A Strategy for the Delivery of Generalist Advice Services in Northern Ireland 2015 – 2020’.  We feel that any future changes to the work, organisation and administration of the generalist advice sector has the potential to impact on the day-to-day work of specialist agencies such as Housing Rights Service. Over 70% of our clients are already referred to us by another agency. Any change in their resources will also have an effect on the demand for HRS.

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Practical tips, Policy, NI Assembly

Response to Access to Justice Review

Access to justice is widely accepted as a cornerstone of democracy and a vital ingredient in protecting weak and vulnerable citizens. Housing Rights Service therefore welcomes the opportunity of responding to this consultation paper. As a voluntary sector organisation which provides legal aid services and contributed to the consultation on the Access to Justice Review, we have a number of particular concerns which are detailed in this response. Given the nature of our work, our comments are largely confined to the area of civil legal services.

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Response to the public consultation on the introduction of a Statutory Registration Scheme for all Providers of Publicly Funded Legal Services in Northern Ireland

As a voluntary sector organisation which provides legal aid services and participated in the pilot review of the Registration Scheme, we have a number of particular concerns which are detailed in this response. Be that as it may, we nevertheless support the introduction of the proposed scheme and the intention to be inclusive and comprehensive. The need to avoid conflicts of interest by separating the roles of regulation and representation held by professional bodies and introducing an independent oversight of publicly funded legal aid services has been recognised in successive reviews and we note that the proposals are not intended to supersede the roles of the professional bodies, such as the Law Society and Bar Council, which regulate the work of the legal profession.

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Response to DSD Consultation on Developer Contributions for Affordable Housing

Housing Rights Service welcomes this long awaited consultation on proposals to introduce a developer contributions scheme for social and affordable housing in Northern Ireland. We believe the introduction of planning obligations to facilitate developer contributions presents an important opportunity to lever in additional investment for the provision of new social and affordable housing, particularly in this time of constrained public financing and sustained housing need. We therefore support the Department’s aim to “promote decent, affordable and sustainable housing, particularly in terms of tenure, price and household composition” and the recognition that “the provision of more affordable housing is a cornerstone of sustainable communities”.

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Response to Review of Strategy Preventing Accidents in the Home

Housing Rights believes the current housing fitness standard is unable to address the most common health and safety defects found in rented accommodation. We have recently submitted evidence to the current DHSSPS review of its home accident prevention strategy. 

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Fitness, Private Tenancies

Response to DSD Anti Social Behaviour Bill

Housing Rights Service is concerned about the new form of tenancy i.e. the Short Secure Tenancy (SST) which the DSD is proposing. We interpret the SST as a downgraded temporary tenancy for 6 months. After this time the SST either becomes secure again or possession is sought to bring the tenancy to an end using a largely administrative process. The court “would be required” to grant possession in such cases. In our view a system which allows for the removal of secure tenants’ rights by a largely administrative process runs contrary to the principle of natural justice and would interfere with human rights. Read our response.

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Social Tenancies, Private Tenants Forum, Policy

Response to the Fundamental Review of Social Housing Allocations

Social housing is vitally important to many households in NI including many HRS clients who are vulnerable or have been homeless. However, Northern Ireland is in the midst of a severe social housing shortage with supply far outstripping demand. We now face the challenge not only of deciding how to increase this supply, but also how to allocate scarce accommodation to the ever increasing number of waiting list applicants. We believe the review of social housing allocation must include a wider policy debate on the purpose and functions of social housing. It needs to be decided whether social housing is fundamentally about addressing acute housing need and providing a safety net or whether is it also about meeting wider Government objectives, such as promoting economic regeneration.

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Social Tenancies

Response to NIHE draft community involvement strategy

Housing Rights Service has contributed evidence to a recent consultation exercise on the Housing Executive’s community involvement strategy. Although we have a number of concerns with this draft strategy we nevertheless believe that by involving tenants and listening to what they have to say, social landlords can make better business decisions; create excellent services; save money; and encourage customer loyalty and satisfaction. Resident involvement in social housing is therefore about how tenants, or others living nearby, can influence and improve a social landlord’s activity. The remit of such an influence can range from contributing to decisions on local service delivery to membership of the landlord’s governing body. We believe community involvement is an aspect that should be high on the agenda of the current Social Housing Reform process and the future governance of social landlords. Involving tenants in running their homes is now an established principle in social housing and we look forward to further discussions with NIHE in taking forward this strategy.

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Social Tenancies


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