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Consultation Response

Response to the Consumer Council’s consultation on its Draft Forward Work Programme 2016-17 and Corporate Plan 2016-2021

Housing Rights has highlighted the charging of fees by letting agents as a key issue for consumers, in our response to the Consumer Council’s consultation on its Draft Forward Work Programme 2016-17 and Corporate Plan 2016-2021.

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Regulation, Private Tenancies, Affordability, Legal

Response to Housing Executive Rural Housing Policy Proposals

Housing Rights has recently responded to a Housing Executive consultation on their draft Rural Policy Proposals.

Housing Rights welcomes the Executive’s ongoing acknowledgement of the need for specific policies on rural housing, and supports the overarching vision of the proposals: ‘Housing Services working in partnership to enable and support vibrant, shared and sustainable rural communities and provide economic, social and environmental benefits in rural areas.’ Comments were offered on several specific elements of the proposals:

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Homelessness, Equality, Affordability

Joint response to SSAC consultation on The Housing Benefit and State Pension Credit (Temporary Absence) (Amendment) Regulations 2016

Housing Rights and Law Centre (NI) have submitted a response to the Social Security Advisory Committee’s consultation on the Department for Work and Pensions’ proposed changes to Housing Benefit and Pension Credit, concerning temporary absences from Great Britain.

Although these Regulations initially refer to Great Britain only, it is expected that similar policies will be introduced in Northern Ireland, to ensure parity.

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Benefits, Welfare Reform, Policy

Response to Report of Access to Justice

The Access to Justice report has a positive message of retaining funding for housing cases and its particular reference to protecting people’s homes. Nonetheless, Housing Rights does have a general concern that a significant group of people have been overlooked in the report. There is much emphasis in the report about preventing the loss of a person’s home; and rightly so, as prevention of homelessness is a core area of work for Housing Rights. But, as discussed in its original consultation response, Housing Rights believes that the definition of homelessness should be considered in as wide a context as possible.

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Response to the Review of the Private Rented Sector

Housing Rights welcomes the review of the Private Rented Sector and supports further regulation which has the objective of enhancing the capacity of the sector to deliver homes which are fit for the future.

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Private Tenancies, Policy

Private Tenants' Forum response to review of private rented sector

The Private Tenants' Forum responds to the Department for Social Development's review of the private rented sector and asks for further support to be given to tenants and landlords in this sector. 

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Private Tenants Forum, Private Tenancies

Response to NIHE Financial Inclusion Strategy

Housing Rights supports the Housing Executive’s aim of tackling financial inclusion by improving their customers’ financial wellbeing. We view this strategy as a positive recognition by the Housing Executive of their role in supporting tenants in this area.

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Money Matters, Social Tenancies, Policy

Response to a Consultation on the Housing Executive’s Community Cohesion Strategy 2015-2020

Housing Rights welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Housing Executive’s consultation on Proposals for a Community Cohesion Strategy 2015-2020. Housing Rights believes a Strategy is essential; particularly against the backdrop of a changing society in Northern Ireland.

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Social Tenancies, Policy

Response to Proposals for a New Regulatory Framework for Social Housing Providers in NI.

Housing Rights has responded to the Department for Social Development's consultation on Proposals for a New Regulatory Framework for Social Housing Providers in Northern Ireland.

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Social Tenancies, Policy

Reponse to consultation on Tenant Participation Strategy in NI

Housing Rights recently responded to the second in a series of consultations issued by the Department for Social Development on the reform of social housing.

As a rights-based organisation, we support the enhancement of tenants’ rights. We welcome the proposals that tenants should have a stronger role to play in how their landlord provides and develops their housing services. However, we believe that participation should be available to more people; not just tenants.

This consultation response makes a number of key points. 

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Regulation, Policy


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