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028 9024 5640: Housing & Debt Helpline for Northern Ireland

September 2014

Response to DSD Consultation on Developer Contributions for Affordable Housing

Housing Rights Service welcomes this long awaited consultation on proposals to introduce a developer contributions scheme for social and affordable housing in Northern Ireland. We believe the introduction of planning obligations to facilitate developer contributions presents an important opportunity to lever in additional investment for the provision of new social and affordable housing, particularly in this time of constrained public financing and sustained housing need. We therefore support the Department’s aim to “promote decent, affordable and sustainable housing, particularly in terms of tenure, price and household composition” and the recognition that “the provision of more affordable housing is a cornerstone of sustainable communities”.

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Response to Review of Strategy Preventing Accidents in the Home

Housing Rights believes the current housing fitness standard is unable to address the most common health and safety defects found in rented accommodation. We have recently submitted evidence to the current DHSSPS review of its home accident prevention strategy. 

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Fitness, Private Tenancies