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February 2017

Housing Rights response to the Housing Executive’s draft Homelessness Strategy for 2017-2022.

Housing Rights is pleased to respond to the consultation on the Housing Executive’s draft Homelessness Strategy 2017-2022. The response is divided into two sections. The first section (points 1 to 5) focuses on each Objective specifically, and offers comment and suggestions on the actions contained under each Objective. The second section (point 6) considers the outcomes model of the Strategy, and makes several recommendations which aim to maximise the effectiveness of the outcomes model.

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Regulation, Policy, Homelessness

Housing Rights Consultation Response to Proposals to seek reversal of the reclassification of registered social housing providers in Northern Ireland

Housing Rights welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Department’s proposals to seek reversal of the ONS reclassification of registered social housing providers in Northern Ireland.

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Social Tenancies, Policy

Housing Rights Consultation Response on Reforming the Rating System

Housing Rights notes that several aspects of our response to the previous ‘Review of Rate Liability in the Domestic Rental Sector’ have not been incorporated in the draft proposals. The specific issues raised, which largely relate to rates liability in the rental sector as well as rates recovery, are significant concerns for those who contact our advice service for assistance. It is with disappointment, therefore, that we note that none of these points have been progressed to the proposals contained in the current paper.

The substance of this response therefore contains specific comments on particular proposals contained in the ‘Rates Rethink’ paper, as well as reiterating points made in relation to the previous review of rate liability in the domestic rental sector, which the current proposals are silent on.


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Money Matters, Regulation, Policy