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Policy & Research

Our policy work is based on the experiences of people who contact us for advice. We work on their behalf to secure positive changes to housing legislation, policy and practice in Northern Ireland. You can read more about what we are striving to achieve in the coming year by downloading our policy priorities.

Below, you will find copies of policy briefings, consultation responses and research papers that Housing Rights has produced recently.

Response to Review of Strategy Preventing Accidents in the Home

Housing Rights believes the current housing fitness standard is unable to address the most common health and safety defects found in rented accommodation. We have recently submitted evidence to the current DHSSPS review of its home accident prevention strategy. 

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Fitness, Private Tenancies

Response to DSD Anti Social Behaviour Bill

Housing Rights Service is concerned about the new form of tenancy i.e. the Short Secure Tenancy (SST) which the DSD is proposing. We interpret the SST as a downgraded temporary tenancy for 6 months. After this time the SST either becomes secure again or possession is sought to bring the tenancy to an end using a largely administrative process. The court “would be required” to grant possession in such cases. In our view a system which allows for the removal of secure tenants’ rights by a largely administrative process runs contrary to the principle of natural justice and would interfere with human rights. Read our response.

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Social Tenancies, Private Tenants Forum, Policy

Response to the Fundamental Review of Social Housing Allocations

Social housing is vitally important to many households in NI including many HRS clients who are vulnerable or have been homeless. However, Northern Ireland is in the midst of a severe social housing shortage with supply far outstripping demand. We now face the challenge not only of deciding how to increase this supply, but also how to allocate scarce accommodation to the ever increasing number of waiting list applicants. We believe the review of social housing allocation must include a wider policy debate on the purpose and functions of social housing. It needs to be decided whether social housing is fundamentally about addressing acute housing need and providing a safety net or whether is it also about meeting wider Government objectives, such as promoting economic regeneration.

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Social Tenancies

Briefing Paper on the Fundamental Review of Social Housing

In 2012, the Minister for the Department for Social Development (DSD) announced a Fundamental Review of social housing allocations in Northern Ireland. The review was carried out by the Universities of Ulster and Cambridge who conducted discussions with a number of stakeholders and reviewed best practice in the allocation of social housing in the UK and Republic of Ireland. The final research report contained the recommendations in this briefing (though these do not necessarily represent the views of DSD) The Department is inviting feedback on the recent reports following a review of social housing allocations in Northern Ireland. It will publish a summary of the responses and its final proposals. These proposals will be subject to full public consultation. It is expected that this will take place late in 2014. The deadline for comments on the reports is 4 March 2014.

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Social Tenancies, Policy

Response to NIHE draft community involvement strategy

Housing Rights Service has contributed evidence to a recent consultation exercise on the Housing Executive’s community involvement strategy. Although we have a number of concerns with this draft strategy we nevertheless believe that by involving tenants and listening to what they have to say, social landlords can make better business decisions; create excellent services; save money; and encourage customer loyalty and satisfaction. Resident involvement in social housing is therefore about how tenants, or others living nearby, can influence and improve a social landlord’s activity. The remit of such an influence can range from contributing to decisions on local service delivery to membership of the landlord’s governing body. We believe community involvement is an aspect that should be high on the agenda of the current Social Housing Reform process and the future governance of social landlords. Involving tenants in running their homes is now an established principle in social housing and we look forward to further discussions with NIHE in taking forward this strategy.

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Social Tenancies
