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Housing Rights responds to NIHE consultation on draft Chronic Homelessness Action Plan

Housing Rights strongly welcomes the development of an Action Plan specifically dedicated to Chronic Homelessness, which is the first of its kind in the UK. It is our view that this Action Plan could have the potential to become the ‘go-to’ document on how best to respond to chronic homelessness within the UK. Housing Rights was therefore pleased to contribute a number of suggestions which we hope will be of use to the NIHE when amending and refining the existing proposals.

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Housing Rights and the Chartered Institute of Housing are partnering to hold a joint conference looking at how to most effectively deliver affordable housing in Northern Ireland.

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Benefits, Legislation, Social Tenancies, Private Tenancies, Homelessness

Crisis’s most recent Homelessness Monitor 2019 for England highlights concerns that housing and welfare policies are increasingly leading to homelessness. 

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Benefits, Outside NI, Homelessness

In February 2019, the Board of the Housing Executive approved the draft Chronic Homelessness Action Plan, which focuses on the “Ending Homelessness Together” commitment, set out in the Homelessness Strategy 2017-2022.

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Regulation, Homelessness

We were delighted to present our charity of the year PIPS with a donation towards their work when they visited our offices recently.
PIPS provides support to individuals who are considering, or who have at some point considered, ending their own lives. They also provide support to those families & friends who have been touched by suicide.

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Three related reports published in March 2019 by Alma Economics and commissioned by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government along with the Department for Work and Pensions, seek to review the evidence on the causes of homelessness and rough sleeping and to provide options for modelling to understand future trends and to appraise policy.

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Research, Homelessness

Leanne, a recently separated mother of three, contacted Housing Rights for help in January of this year. Leanne had been renting a private tenancy, but was asked to leave this property when the fixed term ended. At that point, she had approached the Housing Executive for help as a homeless person in priority need, and NIHE placed her in a single let while they investigated her circumstances to see if she passed all four tests for homelessness.

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Homelessness, Adviser

In R (Safi) v The Borough Council of Sandwell [2018] EWCA 2876 the Court of Appeal for England and Wales clarified the factors which are relevant in determining whether a household is homeless for the purposes of section 175(3) of the Housing Act 1996.

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Outside NI, Homelessness, Case law, Legal

The case of Anon v LB Lewisham clarifies that the standard of suitability of accommodation is not lower for temporary accommodation, and there is no distinct category of ‘temporary accommodation’ in the relevant legislation. A reviewing officer cannot use a lower threshold of suitability for temporary accommodation than more permanent accommodation.

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Outside NI, Homelessness, Legal

The Department for Communities has released the Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin for April-June 2018. The bulletin highlights trends in homelessness, housing supply and house prices in Northern Ireland.

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Research, Homelessness


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