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Homelessness continues to be a significant challenge in Northern Ireland and a problem that afflicts the lives of many of local people.

According to DSD, “traditional responses to homelessness have focused on managing the impact of homelessness on individuals and families.. while this remains important, more needs to be done to prevent homelessness”. (DSD, Facing the Future: Housing Strategy for NI).

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Social Tenancies, Private Tenancies, Homelessness

When David came to Housing Rights Service he had been sleeping on his sister’s sofa for a few years and was finding it hard to cope. David is single and has a 5 year old daughter who spends weekends with him. He had presented as homeless to NIHE but was found not to have Priority Need.

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Practical tips, Homelessness, Adviser

Brenda Parker is a Housing Advice Development Worker for Housing Rights Service and works at HMP Maghaberry.  She recently attended the European Housing First Conference held in Berlin in October. There are Housing First projects operating throughout the UK, Europe, Canada and the USA. 

Below, Brenda explains how learning about Housing First has inspired a change in her perspective on homelessness solutions for prisoners.

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Social Tenancies, Homelessness

The latest Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin has just been published by DSD for the period April to June 2013. The Bulletin is produced each quarter by the Department and contains information on new housing starts and completions, homelessness, the Residential Property Price Index and new house sales and prices.

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Nicola McCrudden, Policy Manager with Housing Rights Service, reflects on her recent attendance at a European Housing conference and what can be applied to Northern Ireland.

A few weeks ago, I was fortunate to attend a European conference on tackling homelessness organised by Feantsa,  the European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless.

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The need for a fresh look at helping the homeless

On 10th October 2013 people around the world will mark World Homeless Day. On this auspicious day Housing Rights Service is keen to draw attention to the needs of local homeless people and promote discussion on how policy makers can effectively end the scourge of homelessness.

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Private Tenancies, Homelessness

Homeless people are more likely to have their benefits sanctioned according to a report published by Homeless Link.

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Welfare Reform, Homelessness, Affordability

A long awaited strategy to tackle the problem of empty properties has just been launched by the Department for Social Development (DSD). The Empty Homes Strategy and Action Plan 2013-2018 aims to bring the estimated 32,000 empty homes across NI into use.
Speaking about the new strategy, the DSD Minister, Nelson McCausland said:

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Private Tenancies, Policy, Homelessness

Croatia acceded to the EU on 1 July 2013. The UK has placed restrictions on the rights of Croatian nationals to access the UK labour market by setting up a Worker Authorisation Scheme. These restrictions will last until at least 30 June 2018.

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Social Tenancies, Homelessness, Legal

The latest Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin shows that there has been a significant increase of 15% in the number of households experiencing homelessness.

One of the headline statistics of the Bulletin, which covers the period of 1 January 2013 to 31 March 2013, is the 15% (652) increase in the number of households presenting as homeless to the Housing Executive, compared to the previous quarter.

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