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Practical tips

Susan is a housing association tenant who came to us through NIACRO floating support. Susan lives in supported accommodation due to extensive disability needs.

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Social Tenancies, Practical tips, Adviser

Staff from the Housing Executive briefed members of Housing Rights’ Practitioners’ Forum on the operation of the “bedroom tax” policy, at the most recent meeting on 15th June.

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Practical tips, Welfare Reform

Housing Rights has been providing specialist advice to homeowners at risk of repossession for many years. One of the avenues open to certain people facing repossession is an argument that the loan they’ve entered into has created an “unfair relationship”. Solicitor Chris McGrath discusses how this argument can work as it is important that those advising in respect of mortgage lending have an understanding of the remit of the unfair relationship provisions

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Repossession, Practical tips, Case law, Legal
Ursula Toner reviews a selection of recent cases, where Housing Rights successfully challenged decisions disadvantaging people who had to leave their homes temporarily. Anyone who is going to be temporarily absent from their home should inform their landlord of this absence, in order to best protect their tenancy rights.

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Social Tenancies, Practical tips, Adviser

NI Co-ownership has recently announced some changes to its eligibility criteria. With this in mind, we take a look at some of the other options available to support people into homeownership.

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Practical tips, Affordability

A number of changes occur in April of each year which impact on Housing Benefit calculations for the coming year. These include

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Practical tips, Welfare Reform

An adviser based at Hydebank Wood College and Women’s Prison, discusses one of her recent cases, where she worked in partnership with the Beyond the Gate team at Housing Rights not just to secure a tenancy for a newly-released client, but also to ensure that the individual had the right support in place to cope independently in the community.

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Social Tenancies, Practical tips, Adviser

Regulations allowing for the introduction of the “social sector size criteria” or the “bedroom tax” in Northern Ireland took effect on the 20 February.  As we’ve previously reported, the impact of this change in Northern Ireland is largely mitigated, with the only threat of an actual financial detriment as a result of the change being to some social tenants who trans

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Benefits, Social Tenancies, Private Tenancies, Practical tips, Welfare Reform, Affordability

James* first contacted us in 2014. He called into our office after hearing about our Mortgage Debt Advice service from a friend.

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Repossession, Practical tips, Homelessness

Housing Rights is delighted to be running its first accredited training course on Financial Capability. Increasing financial capability to safeguard homes will help you to empower your clients to manage their own budget and keep their home. 

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Social Tenancies, Practical tips, Welfare Reform


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