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Private Tenancies

Last Thursday Housing Rights provided evidence to the Social Development Committee on the Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Bill currently making its way through the Assembly. You can watch the Committee meeting which includes evidence on the HMO bill from Housing Rights, NICEM and a number of residents groups on the Committee's YouTube channel. 

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Private Tenancies, Policy, NI Assembly

Housing Rights’ Antisocial Behaviour course will run for a second time on 2 December 2015. The first took place on the 9th September in Belfast. The sold out course was a huge success with participants.

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Regulation, Social Tenancies, Private Tenancies, Legal

The main elements of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (the Act) came into force on 1st October 2015. The Act aims to make the laws on consumer protection clearer and easier to understand, saving consumers and businesses time and money.

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Regulation, Private Tenancies, Landlord, Legal

More than 20% of Northern Ireland households now live in private rented accommodation, according to the Northern Ireland Family Resources Survey.  Ten years ago, this figure stood at 10%.

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Research, Private Tenancies, Landlord

Paddy Gray Professor of Housing, Ulster University will be chairing Housing Rights upcoming conference Fit for the Future? Private Renting Conference 2015. Below, Paddy outlines why now, more than ever, change is needed in the private rented sector.

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Regulation, Private Tenancies, Policy

Back in 2012 the Department for Social Development undertook a fundamental review of the regulation of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs), which Housing Rights responded to at the time.

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Fitness, Regulation, Private Tenancies, Landlord, NI Assembly

The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants has released a report on its assessment of the new requirement for landlords to establish whether tenants have a “right to rent” in the UK before granting a tenancy. The report is highly critical of the pilot scheme; JCVI’s evaluation uncovered a number of worrying direct and indirect impacts of these checks on both tenants and landlords.

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Minority Groups, Research, Private Tenancies, Landlord

There are a number of schemes available to help people who are living with fuel poverty.  It’s important to apply quickly if you are interested in these schemes as the funding can run out quite quickly if there are large demands on the grants.

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Private Tenancies, Practical tips, Affordability

A guarantor is someone who has agreed to be responsible for the tenant’s obligations as determined by the tenancy agreement.  In Northern Ireland, guarantors were traditionally sought for student tenancies, but this practice seems to be becoming prevalent across the wider private rented market.

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Private Tenancies, Practical tips, Landlord


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