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As the new university term approaches, Ursula Toner takes a look at student eligibility for housing benefit.  

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Benefits, Social Tenancies, Private Tenancies, Affordability

The last few years has seen an increase in the number of food banks operating in Northern Ireland. The Department for Social Development (DSD) recently undertook research to better understand why people need to use them.

Their research, An Insight into Food Banks in Northern Ireland,  found that a third of people in Northern Ireland have to use the food banks because of their low income.

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Benefits, Affordability

The Chancellor of the Exchequer gave his budget to Parliament on Wednesday 8th July.  The full budget and supporting documents can be found on Gov.uk. We've rounded up some of the headline announcements which will impact on those who work in housing. 

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Benefits, Outside NI, Affordability, NI Assembly

The interest rate used to calculate how much help homeowners can get towards the interest on their mortgage is falling to 3.12% from 6 July 2015.  It's important that any homeowners who receive this payment as part of their benefits understand how this change will affect them.

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Benefits, Money Matters, Repossession, Affordability

April of each year sees a number of uplifts and changes in benefit rates and rents.   We've updated Housing Law in Practice with details of the new rates, but you can also find links to this information below. 

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Benefits, Affordability

Rating liability in the private rented sector has long been a bone of contention.

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The Joseph Rowtree Foundation 'Destitution in the UK' programme aims to provide evidence about the extent of destitution, what causes it and whether it has changed over recent years. It is the largest study of its kind ever undertaken in the UK.

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Equality, Affordability

An independent review of the Money Advice Service has recommended that the service take measures to improve the effectiveness and reach of its debt advice. 

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Money Matters, Outside NI, Affordability

Aine, a Housing Executive tenant, contacted Housing Rights Service when she received a letter which stated that she was being pursued for a housing benefit overpayment of £19,000.

The letter said that the Housing Executive believed, based on evidence it had received from the Social Security Agency, that Aine was living with a partner but had not declared this.  

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Benefits, Practical tips, Affordability, Adviser

The Boiler Replacement Scheme, which was due to end on 31 March 2015, has received a fresh injection of funding, meaning it will now run until March 2016.   Since launching in 2012. the scheme has helped to replace boilers in 18,500 homes.  The scheme is available to homeowners who earn less than £40,000 annually and have an old, inefficient boiler.

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Fitness, Affordability


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