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The Frontline Network, a group representing frontline workers who support people experiencing homelessness and established by the St Martin-in-the-Fields charity, has published the results of its most recent survey of frontline staff. The survey was completed by frontline staff across the UK and included over 40 responses from Northern Ireland.

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The Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) is undertaking a 12-week period external consultation on their draft Irish Traveller Accommodation Strategy 2020-2025.

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Minority Groups, Research, Social Tenancies, Private Tenancies, Equality

In 2019, the Housing Executive carried out a survey to help better understand the accommodation needs of the Irish Traveller community in Northern Ireland. The Irish Traveller Accommodation Survey was published in May 2020 and surveyed 540 households, totalling 1,628 individuals.

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Minority Groups, Research

The Homelessness Monitor is an in-depth look at the impacts of recent economic and policy developments in Northern Ireland (NI) on homelessness. The annual report funded by Crisis and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, analyses the impact of economic and policy developments on homelessness.

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Research, Private Tenancies, Homelessness

New research commissioned by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive focuses on the housing needs and aspirations of around half a million older people in NI. The findings showed that older people in NI want to have choice when it comes to their housing.

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The Department for Communities has release the latest housing statistics for Northern Ireland. The Northern Ireland Housing Statistics is an annual compendium of statistics which provides information on a range of areas relating to housing.

Key findings from the survey include: 

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Research, Policy

A research report suggests that the private rented sector is most at risk as a consequence of Brexit, and that any downturn in the housing market is likely to be felt most in the border areas of Northern Ireland, particularly those areas with large numbers of migrants working in agri-food businesses.

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Brexit, Research
Housing Rights’ annual Private Rented Sector Conference was held on Wednesday 20th November in the Skainos Centre. The PRS 2019 conference, which was sponsored by TDS NI, focused on raising standards in the private rented sector and the day was grouped into three sections:
  • Emerging Issues in the Sector
  • Current Challenges for Landlords & Tenants
  • Future Proofing the PRS

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Benefits, Brexit, Legislation, Outside NI, Regulation, Research, Social Tenancies, Private Tenants Forum, Private Tenancies, Practical tips, Policy

Falling Behind: Local Housing Allowance research

Falling Behind: Exploring the gap between Local Housing Allowance and the availability of affordable private rented accommodation in Northern Ireland.

This research shows that renting privately in Northern Ireland is becoming increasingly unaffordable for people who rely on housing benefit to pay their rent. Almost 9 out of 10 of rental properties are out of reach for people receiving Housing Benefit with the research showing that as little as 12% of properties in the sector would have their rent fully covered by the amount of benefit available.


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Benefits, Regulation, Research, Welfare Reform, Policy, Homelessness, Equality, Affordability


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