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Our adviser Faith recently helped solve a serious financial problem for a vulnerable, elderly couple by asking the Ombudsman to investigate a decision taken by the Health & Social Care Trust.

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Social Tenancies, Practical tips, Adviser

Anti social behaviour is a complex issue and can be difficult to address. Anyone guilty of anti social behaviour can be at risk of losing their tenancy.

Safeguarding tenants from nuisance behaviour is an important responsibility of all social landlords, but it can be difficult for landlords to balance the rights of tenants who are complaining about antisocial neighbours with the landlord’s duties towards vulnerable tenants who may require support. 

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Repossession, Social Tenancies, Adviser

Aine, a Housing Executive tenant, contacted Housing Rights Service when she received a letter which stated that she was being pursued for a housing benefit overpayment of £19,000.

The letter said that the Housing Executive believed, based on evidence it had received from the Social Security Agency, that Aine was living with a partner but had not declared this.  

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Benefits, Practical tips, Affordability, Adviser

Our adviser recently helped a client who had left her previous employment due to constructive dismissal and whose claim for housing benefit was rejected as the decision maker felt that she was not “involuntarily unemployed”.

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Benefits, Money Matters, Practical tips, Adviser

We’ve had a number of clients contact us recently saying that they’ve either been threatened with an illegal eviction or, in a few cases, that they have, in fact, been illegally forced out of their property by a landlord. In one case a client stated that the police were in attendance. Indeed, we have had some enquiries as to what role the police should play in an eviction.

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Private Tenancies, Practical tips, Landlord, Adviser

Hector contacted Housing Rights Service for help back in July.

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Benefits, Minority Groups, Adviser

Two topics that often strike fear into the heart of an adviser are protected tenancies and the appointment of a receiver.  We recently had a case where both these issues combined, causing much confusion and distress to the tenant.

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Repossession, Private Tenancies, Practical tips, Adviser

Advising on the rights of people who come from outside the UK or Ireland can be difficult, particularly in light of all the recent legislative changes in this area.  But, understanding these rights is crucial, given how frequently we’re now being asked to help with cases on eligibility.

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Minority Groups, Adviser

The mere mention of court can often scare a client and Small Claims Court is no exception.  While going to court is worrying to clients, it can also strike fear into the heart of an inexperienced adviser.  Small Claims Court is supposed to be a simpler form of court procedure that is quick and easy to use, but it’s still important that advisers are aware of the formalities that need to observed.

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Practical tips, Legal, Adviser

We’ve been inundated with clients asking for help overturning negative homeless decisions recently.  Because of this increase, we thought it would be useful to share one of our recent review cases with you.  

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Homelessness, Adviser


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