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Stephen Orme

New regulations have been passed which make several changes to the Benefit Cap in Northern Ireland. These Regulations come into effect on 7th November 2016. 

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Welfare Reform

Recent research reports by the Chartered Institute of Housing and the Fabian Society have pointed to growing affordability concerns in the private rented sector, caused by changes and cuts to Housing Benefit.

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Benefits, Money Matters, Private Tenancies

Housing Rights has responded to a consultation by the Financial Conduct Authority, concerning two changes to their Handbook of Rules & Guidance.

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Stephen Orme, our Policy and Public Affairs Officer, and Housing Rights footballer, gives an overview of our inaugural football tournament.

Housing Rights has partnered with Advice NI to deliver training to housing associations on the impacts of Welfare Reform in Northern Ireland.

The training, organised with local housing associations including Fold, Helm, Choice and others as well as the Northern Ireland Federation for Housing Associations, was organised in advance of an open day for tenants held in Girdwood Community Hub on 27th June.

Yesterday, Housing Rights took part in a football tournament to mark the Northern Ireland team's send-off to the 2016 Homeless World Cup. Eight players will travel to Glasgow for the cup, kicking off their campaign with a match against the Netherlands on 10 July. Housing Rights wishes the team the best of luck.

With this week marking the first meeting of the new Assembly Committee for Communities, we have a look at the structure and upcoming work of the new Department and Committee.

Department for Communities

Our new Minister for Communities is Paul Givan MLA (DUP), Lagan Valley.

The Permanent Secretary for the Department is Leo O’Reilly.

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NI Assembly


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