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Stephen Orme

It's now been over a year since Personal Independence Payments (PIP) were introduced in Northern Ireland. With this in mind, and in light of the ongoing programme of transferring existing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) claimants over to PIP, we wanted to highlight some of the ways in which an individual's housing situation could be impacted by this change. 

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Benefits, Welfare Reform

On 18th June, the rate of Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) will fall from 3.12% to 2.61%. This could have significant impacts on the ability of SMI recipients to stay in their homes.

However, this isn’t the only change on the way for Support for Mortgage Interest. Over the next few years there will be more changes that will further restrict and alter this benefit.

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Benefits, Welfare Reform, Affordability

A Welsh landlord has been fined £4,400 and costs for failing to comply with the landlord licensing requirements of Rent Smart Wales.

“Rent Smart Wales” and landlord licensing

Since 23rd November 2016, a system of landlord registration and licensing has operated in Wales. All private landlords in Wales must be registered; in addition to this, all private landlords – or agents who act on their behalf – must be licensed in order to let private property in Wales. 

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Regulation, Private Tenancies, Landlord

Back in November, we brought you news of two successful challenges to the “Bedroom Tax” size criteria policy in the UK Supreme Court. The success of these challenges resulted in new regulations, which expanded the circumstances in which a household is permitted an “additional” bedroom.

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Benefits, Welfare Reform, Case law

The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 received Royal Assent in England & Wales on 27th April. Our Policy & Public Affairs Officer, Stephen Orme, takes a look at the key elements of the Act, and other recent progressions in homeless law.

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Legislation, Homelessness

New Regulations have been passed, coming into effect on 20th April 2017, which expand the circumstances in which a household is permitted an “additional” room by Housing Benefit rules. These changes apply to both the social and private rented sectors.

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Benefits, Social Tenancies, Private Tenancies, Welfare Reform

The House of Lords Select Committee on Financial Exclusion has just published their report, “Tackling financial exclusion: A country that works for everyone?”

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Money Matters, Outside NI, Equality, Affordability

The Government’s removal of Universal Credit housing costs from some 18-21 year olds has garnered a lot of media attention. Policy Officer Stephen Orme looks at what these changes mean.

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Benefits, Welfare Reform, Affordability

With the Assembly election just days away, we’ve taken a look at the housing content of the main parties’ election manifestos.


The Alliance manifesto has 39 pledges on housing, including the following:

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Policy, NI Assembly

The Department for Communities has released the Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin, for 1st July – 30th September 2016. The Bulletin demonstrates ongoing trends in several current policy issues, such as homelessness, housing supply and house prices.

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