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Carmel Ferguson

Carmel Ferguson LLB, discusses how Housing Rights successfully helped a client who was being evicted from his home by getting his tenancy declared as protected.

Practitioners will be aware that since the implementation of the Private Tenancies (Northern Ireland) Order 2006, no new protected tenancies can be created.

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Practical tips, Case law, Legal

The Child Poverty Action Group successfully argued that the Department for Work and Pensions should not refuse claimants access to an appeal tribunal if they had failed to request a mandatory reconsideration of a benefit decision within a four-week time frame.

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Benefits, Welfare Reform, Case law, Legal

Carmel Ferguson discusses an England & Wales Court of Appeal judgment which considered the question of when a residence should be treated as an individual’s principal home.

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Repossession, Case law, Legal

Carmel Ferguson, Solicitor with Housing Rights, analyses a recent decision from the Chancery Master which deals with a second charge lender’s rights to pursue possession proceedings in respect of a secured loan.

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Repossession, Case law, Legal

A judgment from the England and Wales Court of Appeal will be relevant to any social landlord wishing to recover possession of a dwelling due to a tenant’s alleged breach of tenancy conditions.  This judgment sets out guidance on:

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Repossession, Social Tenancies, Case law, Legal

Solicitor Carmel Ferguson looks at a recent judicial review into London Borough of Southwark’s refusal to allow an applicant to make a fresh application for homelessness assistance, after the applicant’s original application was unsuccessful.

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Homelessness, Case law, Legal

Since landmark judgments in the Pinnock and Powell cases back in 2011, housing practitioners and legal professionals have questioned how human rights arguments can be applied to possession proceedings in the privately rented sector.  Carmel Ferguson, Solicitor with Housing Rights, considers a recent Supreme Court judgment that delivers clarity on this issue.

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Repossession, Private Tenancies, Case law, Legal

A recent Northern Ireland Court of Appeal judgment, Argue V Northern Ireland Housing Executive Neutral [2016] NICA 18 (5 April 2016)  considers the provisions of the Defective Premises (Landlord's Liability) Act (Northern Ireland) 2001.

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Social Tenancies, Private Tenancies, Case law, Landlord, Legal

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