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Lizzie Scott

The full Universal Credit (UC) system is now being initiated at scale across the UK and will continue to roll out across Northern Ireland over the coming months.

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Research, Welfare Reform

Housing Rights has published the findings of its research study which explores the potential application of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in the private rented sector (PRS).  The research paper makes recommendations to develop and pilot a digital by default ADR system which can be used in this sector of the housing market. 

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Research, Private Tenancies, Policy

Personal debt in the UK is growing quickly. The pace of that growth has increased since 2016 and is driven by consumer borrowing.  Consumer borrowing is growing at a rate of more than 10% per year.  The current high level and fast growth of consumer debt suggests that people are taking on unaffordable debts. 

Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) and Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) have both recently published research relating to the experiences of people living in the private rented sector (PRS).  Both organisations have recommended improvements in order to protect tenants from affordability issues and disrepair, and ultimately help prevent people from losing their home.

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Private Tenants Forum

Researchers at Heriot-Watt University have examined the evidence to increase our understanding of why some people are more at risk of becoming homeless than other people. 

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Research, Homelessness

Shelter UK has carried out research to investigate the relationship between housing and mental health in English adults.  Shelter interviewed 20 GPs across 6 English cities and over 3,500 British adults were surveyed via a nationally representative online questionnaire.  The results of their research were published last week and are summarised

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Outside NI, Research

Two research papers, recently published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) and Cardiff Metropolitan University, put forward recommendations to improve the Universal Credit (UC) system.

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Research, Welfare Reform, Affordability

A recent research report from Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) in England has called for improvements at government level which would better the lives of households living in the private rented sector (PRS) in England.  Whilst the research does not cover the experiences of those renting privately in Northern Ireland, the findings are of relevance and interest

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Fitness, Private Tenancies, Policy, Affordability, Landlord

A recent report from the Work and Pensions Committee has found the prison rehabilitation system “in desperate need of reform”.  The report calls for improvements to be made to the, currently fragmented, support offered to people leaving prison, so that a transition into the community may be as smooth and positive as possible.  The report states that currently:

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Minority Groups, Research, Homelessness

‘Resolving Disputes outside of the Court System’ took place at the Inn of Court, Belfast on 15 February.  The event was set up in response to the Department for Communities’ Department’s newly published Private Rented Sector in Northern Ireland - Proposals for Change which is currently out for public consultation.  The consultation document includes a proposal to: “Examine the

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Outside NI, Private Tenancies, Policy


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