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Housing Rights of migrants after Brexit 2019

Written in 2019.

This Professional Resource, published in November 2019, sets out the rights of migrant communities living in Northern Ireland to access housing, homelessness assistance and help with housing costs. It has been fully updated to include information on the EU Settlement Scheme and on how the rights of EEA nationals will change once the UK leaves the European Union. 

The housing rights of migrants emanate from a complex array of immigration, housing and social security legislation and have been reinforced by a wealth of case law from domestic and European courts. This resource will examine:

  • The distinct categories of migrants
  • The rights of migrants to reside in the UK
  • The rights of migrants to work in the UK and the impact of their economic status (or lack of) on their rights to access social housing and homelessness assistance and housing benefit
  • Help available to migrants from Social Services
  • Help available to asylum seekers and refugees.