Going to court saves homes
As the latest NI repossession statistics are published, Housing Rights Service (HRS) is urging householders to continue to avail of free independent advice and to turn up to court hearings.
Housing Rights Service operates a dedicated Mortgage Debt Advice Service on behalf of the Department for Social Development. It also provides emergency representation at Court.
Maria McNally, a specialist legal adviser with the charity said:
“We welcome any reduction in the numbers of people that are faced with the trauma of losing their home. However we would have concerns that any increase in interest rates could have devastating consequence for homeowners already struggling to get by. Getting advice early is really important but even if a court date has been set people should attend.”
Housing Rights Service court duty scheme assists homeowners and tenants on the day of their possession hearings. Maria and her colleague Eamonn McLaughlin attend High Court and County Court repossession hearings. They can offer emergency advice and assistance to those attending and, if appropriate, accompany them to their hearing. Last year HRS provided representation at over 1500 court hearings.
Maria continued:
“Our service is absolutely free so whether you are concerned about falling behind with your mortgage or you already have a Court date we are here to help; it really is never too late to seek advice."
People experiencing difficulty with mortgage or secured loan debt can contact Housing Rights Service on 0300 3230310 or visit their website www.housingadviceNI.org.
Notes to editors:
For further information contact Claire at Housing Rights Service on 90 245640
Spokespersons will be available for comment
- In 2013/2014 Housing Rights Service dealt with over 40,000 issues related to housing.
- The latest Court statistics on repossession were published on 14 November and are available at www.courtsni.gov.uk