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When everyone has a home

028 9024 5640: Housing & Debt Helpline for Northern Ireland

Getting the right advice can prevent homelessness

People who become homeless are facing major problems finding affordable rented accommodation due to housing shortages. Local advice charity Housing Rights Service (HRS) set up almost 50 years ago, says more could be done to prevent homelessness occurring in the first place. The charity is highlighting the issue as part of Homelessness Awareness Week.

Most people who contact HRS for assistance are either homeless or at risk of losing their home. However HRS believes is it possible to prevent homelessness.

Ursula Toner, Advice Services Manager with HRS said:

“Getting the right advice and support at the right time can be critical to preventing homelessness. We believe that everyone should have home and sadly this is not situation at present. More than often people are not aware of their housing rights or options. As a result people are ending up homeless when it could be avoided.”

HRS is just about to publish its Annual Report. It shows that in 2012-13 its advisers dealt with over 37,000 housing issues. Of these 14,500 related to problems people had sustaining their accommodation. From April 2013 to date, HRS reports having prevented homelessness in 1,000 cases.

To help prevent homelessness, HRS believes that everyone should have access to appropriate free advice and support. Early intervention, the charity says can save homes.

Ms Toner commented:

“Breakdown of tenancy and sharing arrangements can end up with someone becoming homeless. If people can’t find somewhere else to live, they may move into a hostel or sofa surf. This is where people move around, sleeping on sofas just to keep a roof over their head. The exact number of hidden homeless is unknown. We would urge anyone who is homeless or at risk of losing their home to get advice. Housing Rights Service offers free advice on housing options, advocates on people’s behalf and if necessary can represent people in court.”

HRS operates a telephone advice line 028 90245640 or online help is available at www.housingadviceNI.org.

Notes to editors:
For further information contact Frances Housing Rights Service on 90 245640
Spokespersons will be available for comment.

  • Established in 1964 Housing Rights Service is the leading specialist provider of independent housing advice in Northern Ireland. The charity works to achieve positive change by protecting and promoting the rights of people who are in housing need in Northern Ireland.
  • In addition to housing advice HRS operates the Mortgage Debt Advice Service on behalf of the DSD.
  • The number of households presenting as homeless to the Housing Executive during the year was 19,374. The number of households accepted as statutorily homeless was 9,878. The main reasons for homelessness included breakdown in family relationships, unreasonable accommodation, loss of rented accommodation, neighbourhood harassment, mortgage default, domestic violence, intimidation and release from hospital or prison http://www.nihe.gov.uk/homelessness_information