Private Tenants’ Forum looks forward to a private rented sector that is fit for the future
Representatives from the Private Tenants’ Forum were delighted to speak at Housing Rights’ recent conference on the private rented sector ‘Fit for the Future?’
Tracey McKeating and Brigitte Anton spoke to the conference about their experiences in the private rented sector and what encouraged them to join the Forum. They also spoke about their achievements to date, including:
- Producing an Agenda for Action
- Carrying out a mystery shopping exercise into letting fees
- Created an animated film on what to look out for in private rented accommodation
- Meeting with key decision makers including the Social Development Committee and
- Won a Chartered Institute for Housing Award for ‘More than Bricks and Mortar’.
The key impetus for many of the Forum members is to achieve positive change in the private rented sector by using their collective voice. Their hopes for the private rented sector of the future are for the content of the Agenda for Action to be implemented so as to achieve real positive change in the sector. In particular, they would like to see:
- Private rented accommodation that is more affordable; especially when it comes to the charging of fees, which are currently not regulated
- Improving living standards
- Recognition that many tenants want longer-term tenancies
- Improving the information about housing law to both tenants and landlords.
The Forum looks forward to playing a key role in the review of the private rented sector. They want to see future legislation reflect the developing housing landscape in NI and want to see local politicians making safe, decent and affordable housing a priority.
Would you like to join the Private Tenants Forum?
If you have experience of being a private renter, the Forum would love to hear from you. They would like to have more members to add to their collective voice. If you are interested please contact us by email or telephone 028 90 245 640.